Tarot Reading with Channelling
The art of Tarot is divine whispers channelled through your spirit guides. The cards are a tool to gain a better understanding of your life, emotions and feelings, and also provide guidance when we need to make decisions. Not answers, but another perspective not only your life and situation, but also of those who are important to you. Catherine’s peaceful studio in the suburbs of Wollongong provide the perfect environment to reflect on the issues in front of you.
It’s fun and done with love!

About Tarot & Channelling - aka 'mediumship'
The term “mediumship” describes the ability of a person (the medium) to experience what they or others believe is contact with spirits of the dead, angels, or other immaterial entities. The medium attempts to facilitate communication with spirits or anges who have messages to share with non-mediums. Mediums will listen to and relate conversations with spirit voices; go into a trance and speak without knowledge of what is being said; allow a spirit to control their body and speak through it; relay messages from the spirits to those who wish to contact them with the help of a physical tool, such as a writing instrument. Mediumship, under the name channelling, refers to a medium who claims to receive messages from a “teaching-spirit”.
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We are open most days by appointment.
Phone: 0409-717-385